At first I thought Frances sent me an actual photograph of herself, but then I recognized the background from Paige’s South Park picture.

It’s scary how much this looks like Frances.
At first I thought Frances sent me an actual photograph of herself, but then I recognized the background from Paige’s South Park picture.
It’s scary how much this looks like Frances.
Here’s Paige’s self portrait as a South Park character at the beach. I think she did a pretty good job.
See the previous post for my picture and a link to the site where you can make your own South Park character.
Here’s what I think I would look like as a South Park character:
Let me know how I did. Also, create your own South Park character at
I finally finished typing up all of the materials for my PC Basics class this Friday. I’m not sure how long it is since I’m too tired to actually total up the pages right now. I’m just glad that this is finished so I can move on to something else…
Just in case you’re interested and you haven’t heard – the trailer for Joss Whedon’s Serenity is now available at Apple’s Movie Trailer Site.
This is, of course, the movie based on Whedon’s short-lived Firefly TV series. It looks pretty good to me. I guess we’ll find out for sure on September 30th.
Geoff loaned us his box set of Firefly a while back and I’ve enjoyed all of it that I’ve watched so far. Hopefully if the movie does well, someone will bring back the series.
So far I’ve typed up about 55 pages of content for the PC Basics and Troubleshooting class I’m teaching this Friday. By the time I’m finished I should have around 80 pages of content plus a 20 question quiz at the end. Hopefully I’ll be able to get this done over the course of tonight and tomorrow at work.
We’ve had a really busy weekend so I haven’t had much time for updates around here. I know you’re probably bored and looking for something to do, so I thought I would help you out with a few “mind expanding” websites:
Mentat Wiki – This wiki is a collaborative environment for exploring ways to become a better thinker. They have some neat stuff on memorization and mental math that I really need to work on.
Be A Genius (…or just look like one) – This site is dedicated to teaching you to effectively improve and display your mental prowess. This looks like some more interesting stuff. I actually haven’t dug too deeply into this site.
So there you go. I expect everyone to tell me the value of pi to at least 100 digits the next time I’m around…
I’m always looking for better ways to organize my stuff. The problem is, I have lots of it. I have bookshelves and boxes overflowing everywhere.
What I would really like is a nice system of shelves that could possibly cover an entire wall. That way I would be free to organize things however I wanted while keeping everything within reach.
Finally, someone came up with the perfect solution for me. And, they made it extremely geeky:
That’s right, Tetris Shelves. Why didn’t I think of this. There is one unfortunate drawback to these shelves – they cost $7,000 for 10 pieces.
Oh well, maybe I’ll get inspired this summer and build a few of these myself…
It seems like I’m on some kind of strange “how we talk” trip lately. Anyway, here’s my Liguistic Profile:
Your Linguistic Profile:
50% General American English
30% Dixie
10% Yankee
5% Midwestern
5% Upper Midwestern
Find out how you rate at What Kind of American English Do You Speak? Yes, I have been known to say ya’ll. I’ve even uttered “fixin’ to” on a few occasions…
Now I just need to go back through the test a few times and figure out what I’m supposed to be saying in those situations. Doesn’t everybody push a buggy, bring home groceries in a sack, and drink Coke (even if it’s Dr Pepper)?