Austin Children’s Museum Rocks!

Matthew and I had a great time at the Children’s Museum today! Then afterwards we caught up with Daddy at The Clay Pit for the best indian food we’ve ever had. I think I’m getting the hang of navigating around Austin finally, but that probably has something to do the my new gps!

Anyway, here are a few pictures of Matthew at the museum. He really did have a blast!

3 Replies to “Austin Children’s Museum Rocks!”

  1. Wow! The museum looks like a lot of fun! Is there an age limit or can big “kids” play too?

  2. Matthew looks as though he is getting very comfortable with the camera LOL
    I kinda miss the days of children’s museums and Chucky Cheese. Whoever first thought of museums where kids can get there hands on things was a genius. It’s so fun to watch their eyes light up or to see them totally engrossed in something new. Have fun exploring!

  3. No age limits, Aunt P. & Uncle Billy. All we need is for you to come for a visit. We miss you already!!

    Dee, Matthew definitely knows what, “Say cheese!” means! The museum was a great experience for him.

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