Spring is near

Back on March 2, I posted pictures of the snow and ice. Now, two weeks later, the tree in our back yard is in full bloom. Paige took some great pictures of it over the weekend.


We think this is a Bradford Pear tree, maybe some tree expert could set us straight. I’m using this last picture as wallpaper on my computer. I love the sharp white flowers against the blurry background.

Paige has taken so many pictures of the flowers around our house that I have enough to fill a gallery. I’ll try to get that added soon, along with a gallery of some of our cloud and sunset pictures.

One Reply to “Spring is near”

  1. Hey Guys! Great pictures! Yes, from what I can tell that is a Bradford Pear… Mom has a couple in her front yard. Can’t wait to see your other beautiful flower pictures!


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