Spring Break

Spring Break is just about over for me, and I’ve gotta say it was pretty nice. I spent the week hanging out with Matthew. I taught him all about guy stuff – we ate when we wanted, slept when we wanted, and mostly just sat around in our pajamas and watched TV. He seems to like Star Trek pretty well, but I think he liked Robotech even more. It was probably all of the explosions and crazy flashing lights.

I don’t think I spent more than 5 minutes a day in front of the computer all last week. Of course, that caught up with me last night when I had to spend about 4 hours catching up on all of my e-mail and checking out the news sites and blogs to see what I missed. People think I just learn everything about computers through osmosis. If they only knew how much time I spend reading and clicking.

I also tried in vain to organize my office. I will conquer this room soon. I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. The problem right now is that I just have too much stuff. I did something that I said I would never do. I gathered up a box full of books to throw away. I just can’t see keeping books on things like Programming Windows 95 when I don’t even use Windows anymore, much less the ten year old version. A while back we bought another book shelf to put in here, but I still have books piled on my desk and in boxes in the closet. I can’t help it, I’m addicted to books.

I spent most of today working in the yard. I gathered up big bag of newspaper thanks to the gas station up the street from us. I think they must’ve just piled a bunch of papers on the sidewalk and let them all blow away. This was followed by raking, shoveling, mowing, and even using a sledge hammer to break up some concrete. Of course all of that led to a nasty blister on my thumb. I’m basically a whimp when it comes to manual labor.

Hopefully I’ll heal by Monday. I’d hate to have to call in sick the day after a weeks vacation…