It seems like I’m on some kind of strange “how we talk” trip lately. Anyway, here’s my Liguistic Profile:
Your Linguistic Profile:
50% General American English
30% Dixie
10% Yankee
5% Midwestern
5% Upper Midwestern
Find out how you rate at What Kind of American English Do You Speak? Yes, I have been known to say ya’ll. I’ve even uttered “fixin’ to” on a few occasions…
Now I just need to go back through the test a few times and figure out what I’m supposed to be saying in those situations. Doesn’t everybody push a buggy, bring home groceries in a sack, and drink Coke (even if it’s Dr Pepper)?
I’m 5% more Dixie and 5% less Yankee. My ancestors would be proud!
10% Yankee…. Where’z my GUN, boy i’m gunna teech you rite.
I resolve to never say ya’ll again. Also, I’m going to start pushing a “cart” at Wal-Mart, saying “diagonal” instead of “catty corner”, and finally I’m going to just keep my mouth shut if it starts raining while the sun is shining…
70% General American English
15% Yankee
10% Dixie
5% Midwestern
0% Upper Midwestern
Who would’ve thunk it? I’m more yankee than my husband…no more y’all for me either-but do you pronounce that “ether” or “ither”…
60% General American English
25% Dixie
10% Yankee
5% Midwestern
And, apparently, I’ve never even been to “Upper Midwestern-ia” wherever the heck that is. Not quite as Dixie as Tony…but I’ll bet he didn’t grow up singing (not whistling) “Dixie” in school assemblies like I did!!
Your Linguistic Profile:
55% General American English
30% Dixie
5% Midwestern
5% Upper Midwestern
5% Yankee
Whew! I am glad Yankee was my smallest number!
65% General American English
30% Dixie
5% Midwestern
0% Upper Midwestern
0% Yankee
Yay, no Yankee on this tongue! Y’all need to sing Dixie more often.