Merry Christmas Eve From Austin

Merry Christmas to all our family and friends. We can’t wait to see you all tomorrow. As much as we love living in Austin now, we love to see those near and dear to us.

It is sunny and 72 degrees here today and we are spending the day watching old movies, playing games, cooking, and eating.  I even managed to fit in a workout. Tony is finishing wrapping my gifts even as we speak. It has been a great day and I hope you all are having a great one, too.

Also, four years ago today I was having 4 to 5 contractions and hour but had been that way for five days and didn’t think anything of it.  When Tony and I decided to finally go to bed at 2 a.m., little did we know in less than one hour we would be off to the hospital to have our baby boy on Christmas Day.  The absolute best Christmas gift in the world. Matthew is truly a gift that keeps on giving. My little family makes me feel blessed everyday.

Hope you all have the merriest, most peaceful, joyous Christmas of your lives because… it goes by way too fast.

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