More eBay

I’m selling off another batch of things on eBay. Besides simplifying my life and cleaning out my closets, I’m also saving up to buy a PowerBook. All the cool kids are using PowerBooks these days, and I want one, too.

If anyone asks, I’ll probably tell them that I’m selling all of this stuff to pay for Matthew’s diapers and formula. People are usually more willing to pay more to support a child than they are to support my computer addiction…

Stand Up

I received my copy of the Dave Matthews Band‘s new album Stand Up on Tuesday. I pre-ordered it online so I could get the 5-track bonus disk and a sticker. To me it was well worth it. Of course, if Dave Matthews put out an album of pan flute music I would buy it, so maybe I’m a little biased.

This the first album I’ve purchased as a “Dual Disc”. It’s a CD on one side and a DVD on the other. Hastings is selling the Dual Disc and the regular CD for the same price. The DVD side has a 20 minute movie on the making of the album that’s actually pretty interesting. I was a little concerned when I turned the case over and saw this on the back:

The audio side of this disc does not conform to CD specifications and therefore not all DVD and CD players will play the audio side of this disc.

That sounds kinda scary to me. So far it’s played in my home stereo and my car. We’ll see how it does when I try to rip it with iTunes so I can listen to it on my shuffle.

Overall, I like the new album. But, it’s different from their other stuff. The days of folksy acoustic guitar songs are over. They worked with a new producer on this album – Mark Batson. He comes from a hip-hop background, and it shows on this album. Their older stuff had an almost live feel, everything sounded very natural. This album sounds like a lot of it was done in Pro Tools. Not that it’s bad, just different. It seems like this album is missing a little of the energy that their earlier stuff had so much of.

I find myself listening to their live albums more than their studio albums these days. I’ve already taken Stand Up out of my car and put Live in Chicago back in. That’s what makes the Dave Matthews Band so great – they can play the same songs every night yet still add something new each time. I’m really looking forward to hearing some of the new songs on a live album. I think performing these songs together as a band, in front of an audience will really make a difference.


Things that scare me:

People who talk with both hands… while driving.

Three Day Weekend

Three day weekends are great. I think I need to find a way to take every Monday off. I finally have a little time to catch up on some things.

I have junk that I’m selling on eBay piled up in the floor of my office. That’s surrounded by three computers that need to be fixed by the end of the day. I have a doctor’s appointment in thirty minutes, I just finished getting the oil changed in my car, and I’m going to mow the yard when I get back.

Actually, I guess it’ll be kind of nice to go back to work tomorrow so I can relax.

South Park Frances

At first I thought Frances sent me an actual photograph of herself, but then I recognized the background from Paige’s South Park picture.

South Park Frances

It’s scary how much this looks like Frances.

Paige on South Park

Here’s Paige’s self portrait as a South Park character at the beach. I think she did a pretty good job.

South Park Paige

See the previous post for my picture and a link to the site where you can make your own South Park character.


I finally finished typing up all of the materials for my PC Basics class this Friday. I’m not sure how long it is since I’m too tired to actually total up the pages right now. I’m just glad that this is finished so I can move on to something else…

Serenity Trailer

Just in case you’re interested and you haven’t heard – the trailer for Joss Whedon’s Serenity is now available at Apple’s Movie Trailer Site.

This is, of course, the movie based on Whedon’s short-lived Firefly TV series. It looks pretty good to me. I guess we’ll find out for sure on September 30th.

Geoff loaned us his box set of Firefly a while back and I’ve enjoyed all of it that I’ve watched so far. Hopefully if the movie does well, someone will bring back the series.

PC Basics

So far I’ve typed up about 55 pages of content for the PC Basics and Troubleshooting class I’m teaching this Friday. By the time I’m finished I should have around 80 pages of content plus a 20 question quiz at the end. Hopefully I’ll be able to get this done over the course of tonight and tomorrow at work.