Who needs sleep?

We’re slowly adjusting to our new way of life now that the baby’s here. I know at one point I used to sleep for 8 hours or more at a time. Now it’s more like 3-4 hours at a time, but that’s OK. It’s all worth it to know that I’m raising my son.

Updates are a little sparse around here right now. We still have tons of pictures to post, but somehow that doesn’t seem very important anymore. Playing with Matthew is a lot more fun that looking at pictures of him on the screen.

Matthew wasn’t my only Christmas present this year. Paige also got me an awsome acoustic / electric guitar. It’s an Ibanez AEG10. Here’s the official picture of it. I’ll eventually post a picture of me playing it.

Ibanez AEG10

This, finally, brings up the reason for this post. Now that I have an acoustic guitar, I’m wanting to learn some of the classic acoustic guitar songs. I’m working on a list of my own, but I want to be sure and not miss anything. Here’s what I have in mind so far:

  • Eagles – Hotel California
  • Kansas – Dust in the Wind
  • Animals – House of the Rising Sun

I consider those pretty much the holy trinity of classic acoustic guitar songs. After those, I have lots of other ideas.

  • Lots of Dave Matthews Band songs
  • Some Beatles songs
  • Some Eric Clapton (I love Bell Bottom Blues)
  • The songs from Nirvana unplugged
  • Some Pearl Jam songs (Elderly Woman…, Yellow Ledbetter, etc.)
  • A few Pink Floyd songs (Paige hates most of Pink Floyd)

Now it’s your turn. I need some different stuff to play. Are there any good newer acoustic guitar songs? Let me know what I’m missing…

It’s a boy!

I would like to introduce the world to our son – Matthew Anderson Lewis. He was born at noon on Christmas Day. He weighed 7 pounds and 12 ounces and was 20 inches long.

Here’s Paige and Matthew on the day he was born:

Paige and Matthew

We spent the rest of Christmas day letting everybody see him and hold him. That night, we took him to the nursery so we could get to sleep. The next morning, we picked him and found that the nurses had put a Christmas hat on him:

Christmas hat

We spent the 26th holding him and playing with him. Paige finally got the camera away from me and took my picture:

Tony holding Matthew Paige holding Matthew

Finally, on the 27th we got to go home. We dressed him in his nicest gown, and we were ready to go:

Matthew in his going home outfit Paige and Matthew ready to go home

We took about 50 pictures while we were in the hospital, but I thought these were the best ones of Matthew. Don’t worry, I’ll post lots more later.

I should really thank all of our friends and family for everything they’ve done over the last week. We haven’t cooked a meal since Matthew was born. It’s been great to not have to worry about day-to-day things and instead focus all of our attention on our wonderful new son.

One more thing before I forget – Happy New Year!

Must See Show

Just when you thought I couldn’t get any geekier…

I just read about this show on Slashdot and I’ve got to go see it. It’s called ‘Dear Friends – Music from Final Fantasy’. Yahoo has the press release.

I probably know most of the Final Fantasy music by heart. I still remember how good those songs sounded coming out the Super NES in stereo (that’s right kids, games didn’t always have surround sound) and going through Ben’s Bose speakers. I can’t imagine what it would sound like live performed by an orchestra.

The only U.S. date so far is in Chicago. They’re calling it a ‘tour’ so surely there will be more shows. If they come anywhere near Texas, I’ll be there. Hopefully they’ll visit the Bass Hall in Fort Worth.

Almost There

It’s almost time for the Christmas holiday and I can’t wait. I really need two weeks off about now. Between working all day and writing code most of the night, I’m getting a little worn out.

In case I haven’t mentioned it here before, my goal is to start selling my own software by June 8, 2005. I don’t want to just have a program to sell on that day, I actually want to sell at least one copy of something before June 8.

I think this is a pretty realistic goal for me. Time will tell.

Soup Nazi

As most people know, we’re big fans of soup. I’ve posted pictures and even a recipe for War Wonton Soup in the past. We’re also fans of Seinfeld. One of the most famous episodes of Seinfeld deals with the Soup Nazi – “No soup for you!”. After watching this episode, Paige and I found a recipe for Mulligatawny which we still cook occasionally.

Earlier today, I came across a site called Top Secret Recipes that has several of the soup recipes from this episode. The guy who runs the site went to the real Soup Kitchen International in New York, ordered the soups, and took them home to figure out the recipes. Here are the soups from the show:

I really don’t know if these are good or not since I haven’t tried any of them yet, but they sound pretty good. I’ll update the site with some results. Now that it’s cold outside, I’m ready for a warm bowl of soup.

Turkey Time

So, what are your plans for Thanksgiving?

I’ve got a 15 pound turkey in the fridge right now that’s not going to eat itself (and if it does, I’ll just go buy another one). I would be honored if everyone reading this right now would join us for a feast on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. That’s this coming Saturday for the calendar impaired.

I don’t think anyone would deny that last year’s Thanksgiving was a big success. There will again be turkey and dressing along with gravy, green beans, rolls, and cranberry sauce in the shape of a can. We’ll probably even have at least one kind of dessert and a few things to snack on while you’re waiting for me to carve the bird.

You don’t need to bring anything, except Tony Foster who must bring 2 pumpkin pies – one for himself and the other for everyone else. If you want to bring something, by all means do, but you aren’t obligated. I’ll even make a pitcher of sweet tea for those who want something to drink besides water or juice.

See ya Saturday.

Tom Hanks?

I’m not sure how I feel about this: Hanks may lead ‘Da Vinci’ movie.

I just can’t see Tom Hanks as Robert Langdon. I guess it has a lot to do with the fact that Ron Howard is directing. There is a great quote from Howard in the article:

Tom is an exciting actor to watch thinking

Just what we need, a movie that lets us watch someone think.

Fun and Games

It’s amazing how much fun you can have as a kid. I remember making up fun things to do when I was young. Even when I was over at someone else’s house and didn’t have my LEGOs, I could always find something to do. I always liked playing games. I would play dominoes or cards with anybody who would sit next to me. I spent years over at the Foster house playing Dungeons & Dragons with Tony, Michael, and Geoff.

Even before we could afford to buy games we entertained ourselves with made up games. I remember playing with little green army men in James’ back yard. At first we would just line them up and say “I shot you!” This was usually followed by “No you didn’t, I dodged!” That got old pretty fast so eventually we starting using dice to see if we hit or missed.

The more we played, the more complex the rules became. The crouching army man was a little harder to hit and the army man laying flat was the hardest to hit. Somewhere there’s a 20-year-old scrap of paper with all of our rules scribbled on it. I’d give just about anything for that piece of paper today.

At one point I even thought about selling my own games as a career. I remember a time when you could buy simple role-playing games for a few dollars. They were printed on plain paper, folded in half, stapled, and stuffed in ziplock bags. Of course the older I got, the less games I played. Our game of army men and dice somehow evolved into army men and fire crackers. This was a lot of fun, but we eventually ran out of army men. Then computers came out and the idea of selling pen and paper games seemed crazy.

Fortunately, there are still people making up their own games and with the internet they can share them with everybody. It was actually one of these games that inspired me to write this post: 1000 Blank White Cards. This is just the kind of thing I would’ve loved as a kid.

The idea is pretty simple. Pass out some blank cards to each player. Everyone makes up their own cards and assigns point values to each one. Then gather up everyone’s cards, shuffle them together, deal, and play. When it’s your turn, take the top card from the deck and then play one of the cards from your hand either on yourself, another player, or on all players.

This sounds like a great way to waste an evening (or two). We’ll have to try this the next time a few people are over. Maybe afterwards I’ll play one more round of army men and fire crackers, for old time’s sake.