11 Days

In case you forgot, Paige’s birthday is April 15th. She’ll be… ehh… one year younger than me. Obviously, she deserves lots of gifts for being an all around great wife and mother. I told her yesterday I was going to buy everything on her wishlist. Of course, she refused. Since I don’t want to get on her bad side, I’m trying a different approach.

I’ve already done my part to make sure she has a happy birthday. If you want to help out, here’s a link to Paige’s Amazon Wishlist. If you ignore the ottomans, there’s really not much left to buy. Just some kitchen gadgets and a few books. I think 11 days should be plenty of time to empty that list.

So, whether you’re a friend or just visiting the site to read the tutorials, help me out by picking up an item or two…


Yesterday night Paige, Matthew, and I went over to Ben and Paula’s house to visit their new baby Jackson Paul Alsup. He was born on March 24 at 2:23pm, weighted 8lbs 9oz, and was 21 inches long. This was the first time we had Matthew and Jackson together, so we took a few pictures.

Jackson and Matthew

Here’s a better picture of just Jackson. You can see that Ben is bringing his boy up right. That’s Ben with the “Dukes of Hazzard” t-shirt on.


Oh well, I guess that’s a better influence than the “Southpark” shirt he used to wear…

This and that

I’m guessing no one reads these posts anymore since I didn’t get any comments about what I wrote yesterday. It’s obviously an April Fool’s joke, but I though it was pretty funny. I’m sure there’s some poor soul out there right now afraid to touch their keyboard. Hopefully they won’t try hire me to clean up their computer.

In other news, I took another trip to Sulpher Springs today, this time for the District UIL meet. Our Computer Science team took second place. Not too bad considering we never even practiced after school. Jeremy took third place individually, which means he will advance. Unfortunately, only the first place team gets to go on, so the rest of the team will stay home. I’m still debating whether I’ll go or not.

It was bound to happen

Researchers have now discovered the first computer virus that can spread to humans. It spreads through contact with keyboards on infected PCs. An earlier version of the virus infected cats and other whiskered animals last year as they walked across the keyboard. You can get all of the details of the virus in this article at SC Magazine.

The first computer virus that passes from PCs to humans has been discovered in the wild. Leading anti-virus firms are putting users on high alert after Malwarlaria.B was spammed worldwide in the early hours of Friday morning.

Be sure your anti-virus software is up to date before you open any e-mail.

Neat Game

Got some time to kill? Here’s a game that should take care of it for you. It’s called N. You can get it at page.

You only use three keys on the keyboard to play – left and right arrow keys to move and shift to jump. But because of the physics built into the game, the possible moves are pretty much endless.

It takes a little getting used to, but give yourself about 10 minutes of practice and you should be flying all over the screen.

The best part is watching the poor little ninja explode when he gets shot or hits a mine. There are 300 levels to the game, so you’ll have plenty of chances to witness this first hand.

Spring Break

Spring Break is just about over for me, and I’ve gotta say it was pretty nice. I spent the week hanging out with Matthew. I taught him all about guy stuff – we ate when we wanted, slept when we wanted, and mostly just sat around in our pajamas and watched TV. He seems to like Star Trek pretty well, but I think he liked Robotech even more. It was probably all of the explosions and crazy flashing lights.

I don’t think I spent more than 5 minutes a day in front of the computer all last week. Of course, that caught up with me last night when I had to spend about 4 hours catching up on all of my e-mail and checking out the news sites and blogs to see what I missed. People think I just learn everything about computers through osmosis. If they only knew how much time I spend reading and clicking.

I also tried in vain to organize my office. I will conquer this room soon. I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. The problem right now is that I just have too much stuff. I did something that I said I would never do. I gathered up a box full of books to throw away. I just can’t see keeping books on things like Programming Windows 95 when I don’t even use Windows anymore, much less the ten year old version. A while back we bought another book shelf to put in here, but I still have books piled on my desk and in boxes in the closet. I can’t help it, I’m addicted to books.

I spent most of today working in the yard. I gathered up big bag of newspaper thanks to the gas station up the street from us. I think they must’ve just piled a bunch of papers on the sidewalk and let them all blow away. This was followed by raking, shoveling, mowing, and even using a sledge hammer to break up some concrete. Of course all of that led to a nasty blister on my thumb. I’m basically a whimp when it comes to manual labor.

Hopefully I’ll heal by Monday. I’d hate to have to call in sick the day after a weeks vacation…

Google Maps

This is really cool. Google is going maps now. Check it out at http://maps.google.com/. You can click and drag the mouse on the map to move it around and use the slider to zoom in and out. You can also use the cursor keys to move around and use the + and – keys to zoom in and out.

The driving directions are still a little crazy sometimes, but that’s to be expected from any online mapping service. I just use them as a guide and look around for better roads.

Another nice feature is the built in searching. Here’s a search for restaurants near our house. The results are not too bad. Most of those places are still there. Wing N It is closed and so is El Mexicano, but the other restaurants look good. I wonder what that Quizno’s Regional Office is? It seems like I’ve been there before, but I didn’t get a sandwich…


My iPod shuffle showed up the other day as promised. This thing is so much better than the Rio. The sound quality is amazing, especially when you consider that it’s about the size of a stick of gum and weighs less than an ounce. It’s hard to really understand just how small it is until you hold it.

Matthew couldn’t wait to get his hands on it:

Matthew and the shuffle

So far, 1 GB is plenty of space. Apple says that’s 240 songs with is probably pretty close. I usually estimate 1 MB per minute of music so 1 GB would be 1,000 minutes, or almost 17 hours. Filling it with music only takes a few minutes. Sunday I uploaded about 4 hours of music and it only took 2 minutes.

I just love new toys…


My Rio Nitrus sold to a nice guy from Pennsylvania for almost $90. Not too bad. I hope he enjoys it.

According to Fedex, my iPod shuffle should be here tomorrow. Not quite perfect timing, but pretty close. I’ll post pictures plus a little comparison of features once it gets here.

I haven’t posted very much here because I’ve been so busy at work lately. The combination of spyware and viruses is really starting to get to me. Like I’ve been saying for a while now – if you’re still using Internet Explorer, it’s time to switch to Firefox. You’ll thank me for it later.